Emerging Brands We Love | Volume 1: Buffy Miguel Pujols May 30, 2020

Emerging Brands We Love | Volume 1: Buffy

Don’t believe me? Then you’re too young. Just wait. One day it’s all rock n’ roll and drag racing and fight clubs, and then you wake up one morning, and suddenly it hits you – the powerful, irresistible urge to treat yourself to the finer things in life.


This happened to me sometime last year. I don’t know what compelled me to suddenly realize I had been sleeping with the same comforter for 10+ years (this is a judge-free zone, thanks) but I did. More than a comforter, my dull grey Target relic had become a sad, lumpy document – a record of failed relationships, old apartments, deceased pets, Freudian dreams, and out-of-body-experiences we’re chalking up to potential alien abductions (scientists estimate there are at least 30 billion planets in the universe so don’t even @ me).


I knew it was time for a clean slate, a new, cozy chapter in my bedroom – but where to begin? I drove to Target and perused their sad, plastic-encased selection, but it wasn’t doing it for me. I felt like I was picking a soggy sandwich from a gas station vending machine. I wanted something fresh and made with TLC – high quality, clean, simple, light, fluffy. I could picture the perfect comforter, but I didn’t see it there.


And then, not long after my aborted shopping mission, the tech gods intervened. Because I was thinking about a new comforter, my iPhone obviously was able to incept my brainwaves and delivered an ad on Instagram for a brand called Buffy – “Upgrade to the fluffiest, softest, perfect comforter of your dreams” it said.


Go onnnnn, I thought… and checked out the Buffy website. I was instantly enchanted. “The comforter that’s softer than a cloud” it said. Yes please. But it’s not just the luxurious 300 thread count that makes Buffy so dreamy. Let me list all the goodness:


Try Before Buying – Buffy is free to try for 30 nights. If you’re not in love, they’ll take it back for free (which includes shipping & returns). I have commitment issues, so this alleviated my anxiety. Even better, they donate the majority of returned comforters to homeless shelters and charities.


Hypoallergenic – Unlike down, their thoughtful materials resist harmful allergens like microbes and mites to promote healthier breathing while you rest. Ain’t got time for no microbes and mites gettin’ all up in ma business!


Soothing AF – Premium eucalyptus fabric feels gentler than cotton and nurtures the skin with its natural anti-inflammatory properties. As someone who has marched at several anti-inflammatory protests, this is important to me.


Eco-Friendly – Sustainably-made and Oeko-Tex® certified free of harmful chemicals. The Buffy comforter’s fiber is made from 100% recycled BPA and phthalate-free PET plastic bottles, which helps keep 2,500,000 bottles from oceans and landfills. They transform them into a spun fiber that is airblown and layered to reach cloud-like volume, resulting in a texture that is uniquely soft and irresistibly fluffy. Because Earth.


Temperature Moderation – Ultra-breathable to moderate temperature all year round, which is crucial because I run hot while my girlfriend has cold reptilian DNA, bless her sweet lizard heart.


You know what else I loved about Buffy? There’s only 1 color option – a clean, fluffy, cumulus cloud white. Perfect. I ordered and a few days later, it arrived. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning when I opened it, and it was love at first touch – so soothing, minty almost. It keeps me cool when it’s hot and warm when it’s chilly. And they even threw in a free, adorable eye mask!

Look, I know I’m not their target audience. I’m a rough, hairy man, while most of their Instagram feed is populated with supple, angelic women. But I don’t care. I love everything about this brand: their breezy marketing, cozy website, free trial, eco-friendliness, and decadent comfort. What can I say? Real men know how to treat themselves.