Our Top 10 Emerging Brands of 2019 (So Far) Miguel Pujols October 2, 2020

Our Top 10 Emerging Brands of 2019 (So Far)

What criteria did we implement to accumulate this list, you may ask? To qualify as an emerging brand that excites us, they have to:


• Be emerging (duh)
• Be innovative
• Have a quality product or service
• Have a compelling story to tell
• Show promising sales growth
• Budding social proof


Here’s our Top 10 Emerging Brands (In alphabetical order):



Baboon to the Moon



This “bag operation” technically makes colorful, bold, stylish travel bags, but they also describe themselves (at least in spirit) as an “interplanetary adventure operation.” Yes, the bags are fun to look at, but they’re also designed with intelligence, durability and creativity in mind. In short, they make us want to take weird trips to unknown destinations.





We love brands that “go there.” Not everyone has the balls to call themselves Ballsy, but then again, not everyone makes bold grooming products just for dudes. Their soap, body wash, sprays and cologne are on a mission to “make your bathroom less boring.” With products like “Ballwash” and “Nut Rub,” we think they’re succeeding. And the best part is they don’t sacrifice quality for humor, as their products are made without gross chemicals. As they say, “we’ve got your sack.”





Anytime a brand can make our lives easier and help the environment at the same time, we’re a fan. Dropps offers all-natural laundry detergent subscriptions straight to your door. More than a detergent brand, they like to think of themselves “as textile engineers-turned-detergent scientists.” Plant-based ingredients, no animal testing, and recyclable and compostable cardboard packaging to eliminate single use plastic are all valid reasons we love this brand.




Ever have an “acoustic hangover?” You know, the morning after you’ve been at a thundering concert or booming nightclub and your hearing is a little muffled? Well the smart folks at Earos have designed an earplug killer (acoustic filter), that filters out the perfect amount of decibels to protect your ear drums without making you deaf or destroying sound like earplugs of old. In other words, you can wear them and still hear the music with clarity and have conversations without resorting to made-up sign language.


Komuso Design



Komuso makes jewelry with purpose: a tiny device called “The Shift” you wear around your neck that you can exhale into to help control your breathing. The design is based on Japanese monks who were devoted to the ancient eastern discipline of blowing zen (through a flute) to feel good. The function is deceptively simple and surprisingly effective: by helping to regulate our exhales, we coax our nervous system to slow our heart rate and lower our blood pressure to promote mental clarity. Or as Komuso calls it, “An old school tool that keeps you cool.”





Oliberté is a sustainable brand supporting workers’ rights in sub-Saharan Africa, who also became the world’s first Fair Trade Certified™ footwear manufacturing factory. Yes, their shoes and boots for men and women are gorgeous, but the fact they are so dedicated to empowering workers at every step of the manufacturing process in Africa makes us love them all the more.





Who knew lawn-care could be so cool? The good folks at Rachio, that’s who. This smart sprinkler controller is automated, intuitive, and connected to your smartphone at the tap of a button. This means you have full control over every drop of water that’s absorbed by every section of your lawn depending on weather, ground saturation, and exposure to sunlight. More than a sprinkler system, Rachio is your personal “smart watering assistant.”






More than a beverage, this brand “canned a feeling.” Recess is a sparkling water infused with hemp extract and adaptogens for balance and clarity. The goal here is not to be tired or wired – but to feel hydrated and balanced. With zesty flavors like blackberry chai, peach ginger and pomegranate hibiscus, Recess is a tasty “antidote to modern times.”






“Shared space just got personal.” We know all too well how creative, but crowded, an office space can get. Which is why we love these soundproof office phone booths to enable workers to focus properly. They’re stylish, efficient and sustainable. And each booth uses soundproofing materials made out of over 1,000 recycled plastic bottles, so you can concentrate with some peace of mind.






This brand’s ‘Super Fine Edge Design’ lenses are crafted by a leading manufacturer using the latest optical technology, so you’ll be treated to maximum comfort, low friction and UV protection. All of Waldo’s lenses are sent direct to you from a 100% sterile environment, and your subscription can be modified or cancelled at any time. Contact lenses have never been more high-tech, or low-hassle.



Bam. There you have it. Ten brands that have popped up on our radar that you should definitely check out. If you – or someone you know – qualifies as a hot emerging brand, by all means drop us a line here and maybe it will get featured in our next blog!